Attachment (Raga) and Aversion (Dvesha) by Loren Abrams

raga-dvesha-viyuktaistu vishayanindriyais-charan Atmavasyair-vidheyatma prasadam-adhigacchati “But the disciplined (lower) Self, moving among sense-objects with senses free from attraction and repulsion and mastered by the Higher Self, goeth to Peace.” (Gita, II-64) This idea of two currents of the mind, one driving me towards things and the other away from things, is a concept I have worked…

Tension and stress are alleviated.

Rather than constricting our breath and tightening our muscles like in other practices, we deepen our breath and lengthen our connective tissues in a Yin yoga practice. This in turn, can help to lower stress cortisol levels and calm the mind. By incorporating mindfulness and observing the emotions for what they are as a witness,…

Build a better metabolism

Yoga helps improve your metabolism, which has many trickle down benefits, not the least of which is effortless weight loss. With all of the tempting foods around us and all of our creature comforts it’s easy to fall into a state of a sluggish metabolism. The good news is you have the power to make…

Lower Blood Pressure

Doing yoga should lower your blood pressure, even though it may be frustrating at first and you feel like it’s raising it. But it is actually a good workout for your heart, and will improve your cardiovascular function over time. The key is sticking with it long enough to get these benefits. You don’t have…

Naturally strengthen your muscles

Yoga requires you to get into and hold positions that will naturally strengthen your muscles, using only your bodyweight for resistance. This is a very unique approach because as you do more yoga, your body weight should naturally decrease, which logic would say should make the poses more easy to complete. But the beauty of…