“I am always at the Beginning”
The Aged Buddha, on being asked what life was like.
As the holidays come to an end and winter settles in there’s a beautiful yin energy; introspective and still that provides us with the time and space to unearth our soul’s desires, to mirror Mother Nature. She retreats back to her soil and works hard to ensure her gifts are received in abundance in Spring time.
We too shall embody nature’s grace and “regrow our tale” (Guru Singh). What tale will we tell at the end of the year? How do we manifest our aspirations, our higher self? We take the time nourish our roots and re-craft the direction we’re moving into. This month I challenge you to embark on your own journey to stillness, equanimity and peace.
Stillness is a state of awareness, a state of being grounded and steering towards self-realization. A paradigm for transformation; it allows us to come face to face with that divine holy being nestled inside and all around us.
If that connection feels lost or we don’t like what’s staring back, be still, observe, and give yourself permission to be uncomfortable. We’ve been programmed to run to what “makes us happy” and we forget everything is difficult until it becomes easy. This discomfort is part of our soul’s evolution, karma we’re meant to burn through and overcome.
This practice of stillness uproots the cause of our suffering and gives opportunity to take responsibility for our experience in this life, to re-write our story.
If you’re feeling lonely along your spiritual journey keep going! There’s no way around it, only through it, and no one but you can do the work for you.
I remember asking my first teacher “this is it; this is what I renounced for?” He laughed and gave me another 10 verses of The Yoga Sutras to memorize and added a few push-ups for good measure. Later I came to understand that feeling of loneliness was due to a part of myself dying for another to awaken.
We easily become attached to our obstacles, to our fears, to our pains and they become our “mistaken” identity. It takes a lot of courage and will to move through these. To understand we are nothing less than perfect. We’re one drop in the ocean of oneness and we’re all divine beings.
Unearth what’s holding you back from being the best version of yourself. Choose courage, choose freedom, choose truth, and always “stand supreme” (Dharma Mittra). Sow the seeds to your highest potential and give yourself permission to get your hands dirty, you’re worth it.
“Be still and know I AM…. always at the beginning.”
In loving service,